Daily post · Poem

Rain Rain !!!

We snuggled in our bed 

With thunder cracking heavily

And to long low rumbles at times . 

Teeny tiny one slept

With no thunder waking her , 

With no lightning bothering her,

The big-small girl was scared

Hugging me tightly at each crack 

Repeating as a rhyme ‘fear’ 

We slept cuddling and hugging .

Morning was afresh and anew

A crisp bright day 

With no dark clouds in sight ,

With chirping birds and crowing roosters

With kids in uniforms 

All a bright new day . 

Our bedtime story these monsoon days 😊. ‘Big-small’ is my elder girl who is three years and the teeny tiny is my almost six month old baby . In response to daily post prompt crisp. Crisp

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